Find & link to at least one specific news article (although it doesn't have to be "new") that addresses at least one specific part of the Constitution that interests you.
This happened today (September 28th, 2010) University of Texas Shooting
1. Summarize the article, and include relevant quotes.
2. Explain what Constitutional concepts are relevant. Some may be obvious, but others maybe more subtly related. Explain the Constitutional connection in your own words, but also reference the specific Article & Section or Amendment(s).
3. Explain what interests you about this article and/or the Constitutional connections you found.
A sophmore at the University of Texas walked into a library with an AK-47, and began to fire randomly. No one was hurt, but the shooter eventually aimed the gun at himself and took his own life. Since this article is so recent, all the information that is being released is simply what people think happened: "I got off the bus and I heard a gunshot..." "... I looked out my window and saw 10-15 police cars in front of the library." As far as the public knows, there was no motive, no accomplices, nothing but what can be seen.
Since people began criticizing our government and the founding fathers' choices of rights, there has been speculation about whether or not the right to bear arms (the 2nd Amendment) is a necessary right for people. While at times, it does allow things like this to happen, it also helps in preventing such incidents.
This article interests me for a few different reasons. One and most obvious is the fact that there is speculation of our 2nd amendment rights, rights which I exercise regularly and will fight to uphold. Another is the fact that the shooter simply shot randomly, he wasn't trying to hurt anyone, he was trying to scare them. He wanted to scare them, so that in his mind, he was the master. He wanted people to look at him, he wanted their attention, to see what they have driven him to do. This is my personal opinion.
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