Thursday, September 30, 2010

Embed a video clip, news article, podcast, example of photojournalism or other form of media that shows what you believe the lasting effects of the American Civil War are.... today!

Below your embedded media (or quotes from an article), explain why you choose this example, what specific effects it highlights, and in general, your broad beliefs about what the Civil War might mean nowadays.

I couldn't embed the video but I still found this.

I chose this example because it shows another way that citizens of our country still argue and bicker with each other about what's right and what's wrong. Honestly, I love that we have the freedom to do that. I love how someone on one side of the street can cheer for the Saints while the house across can cheer for the 49ers. I don't like, however, that people feel it's necessary to go and offend someone's religion because the feel it's "correct." I guess it all depends on what you believe in, but freedom of speech can only go so far.

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